The Old Gods Are Watching

Echoes of Ancient Wisdom

To reunite ancient Scandinavia with the Great Steppe, Draugablíkk blends Nordic folk with shamanic song traditions to recreate the spirit of Ásaland. They delve into forgotten wisdom to craft enthralling and transformative soundscapes.

Their compositions emerge from the mythological depths of ancient Scandinavia and the Great Eurasian Steppe, breathing life into archaic sagas — Norse and Scythian included — through a fusion of traditional instrumentation and modern sonic textures. A unique alchemy and catalyst for introspective exploration.

The Warrior Spirit in a Modern World

In a world where the inner spirit and warrior lie dormant, stifled by the monotony of modern life, Draugablíkk’s artistry is a call to arms. By channeling the primordial echoes of our ancestors, Draugablíkk awakens the inner shadow — the parts of our identity that society often urges us to suppress.

The kind of awakening that is not meant to provoke but to empower.

Delving deep into the ancient veins of forgotten wisdom, Draugablíkk invites listeners to reconnect with primal wisdom to revive their spirit.

Awakening the Shadow Self

With music encouraging the integration of the shadow self, harnessing its energy for constructive and heroic ends. The impact of Draugablíkk’s music can be profound. By channeling the neverending echoes of our forebears, it awakens the parts of our identity that society often urges us to suppress.

Awakening is not meant to provoke but to empower. It encourages an integration of the shadow self, harnessing its energy for constructive and heroic ends.

Draugablíkk doesn’t just entertain; they heal, inspire, and reflect, bringing back the virtues of the warriors and sages of old — courage, honor, and wisdom.



Follow the old ways — join the Fornleið.